When considering your Online strategy it is important to ask yourself –
Do I need to run an SEO campaign?
After all organic SEO is not a quick fix that you buy and hope to get to the top of the search engine listings immediately and then move onto the next marketing strategy.
It is however a way of getting you noticed with Google and all the other major search engines. This is where all your customers are searching their products and services online.
It is also worth remembering that SEO can be run as a stand alone marketing tool or can be integrated within the bigger picture of your overall online marketing strategy.
It can be very difficult to start up at first especially because there is so much information out there that does not necessarily help you to progress.
But what would you do if you had the right information?
Pivotal Agency helps you to develop a digital strategy suitable for you which helps you achieve your goals.
As mentioned organic Google top rank listing doesn’t happen immediately and requires a certain amount of tweaking during the months of your campaign. I would recommend at least 3 – 6 months to achieve a successful Search Engine Optimisation campaign. See: Organic Search.
This enables proper analysis and monitoring and control of progress to provide optimum search results. By using any analytic reporting tool will enable you to monitor exact progress and see what keywords are most effective and those keywords that aren’t. This is all part of the strategy which is why it needs to be ongoing.
First of all keyword research and competitive analysis are vital to ensure that proper keyword phrases are being to chosen to ensure best targeting for those visitors seeking your products or services online.
This means that if you are an Italian Restaurant in London then you need to concentrate on phrases your customers will type into the search engines such as “restaurants in London. Keywords.
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